Parklife helps communities stay active and social. With 600+ delivered projects, our team are here to apply our broad range of skills and expertise.

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Clarks Beach Basketball

Hannon Estate Basketball

Waitaha Reserve Basketball

Silo Park Basketball Courts

Tauranga Waterfront Court

Archibald Park Pump Track

Māngere Maunga Basketball Court

Huapai Pump Track

Tawaipareira Reserve

Te Puru Pump Track

Panuku Pump Track

Rotorua Lake Basketball Court

Porirua Pump Track

Orangapani Pump Track

Kulim Basketball Half Court

Barry Curtis Park

Onehunga Bay

Naval Point Public Space Artwork

Cadness Loop Basketball Court

Morrinsville Pump Track

Shelly Beach Reserve

Bluff Pump Track

Ngākōroa School

Dunedin Pump Track

Hibiscus Pump Track

Rolleston Youth Zone

Flaxmere Pump Track

Te Kuiti Basketball Court

Waikanae Modular Pumptrack

Howick Pumptrack

Don Buck Pump Track

Riverside Youth Pop Up Park

Milford Basketball Court

Shirley Pump Track

Schools Pump Track

Okiwi Pump Track

Te Waka Unua School

Lake Taupo Resort Pump Track

Potters Park Basketball
Creating opportunities to be active and social contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development goal to ‘make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.’
We design, supply, install and construct active and social spaces in parks, reserves, schools, universities and commercial areas. In essence, we provide the platform for communities to come together.
Our Pump Tracks are designed by trailblazing world leaders Parkitect that are available to custom design your track.
Our court visionaries have Olympic basketball experience, design expertise and court craftsmanship and signwriting to deliver your court.