Potters Park is one of the most popular basketball courts for pick up ball in Auckland. The layout maximizes play opportunities with a Full Court Mini and Basketball Half Court.
Potters Park Basketball
Products and Services
Basketball Court Plans
Basketball Towers
Coloured Sports Surface
Colour integration with adjacent playground.
Multiple play options with the full and half court.
Courts create communities of players that gather for social connection, fun, and to be active.
Responds to the wider popularity and lack of existing facilities for basketball that is the fastest growing major sport in New Zealand.
Basketball Tower is 100% recyclable and meets 7 New Zealand standards.
Locally made to keep New Zealand working.
“Our challenge is to maximise the use of public space, as it is not abundant in our community, to create vibrant, active spaces where everyone feels welcome. That is precisely what has been achieved at Potters Park.”
Margi Watson, Albert-Eden Local Board